Curiosities that most people don’t know about Budapest

The capital of Hungary could be called the city of legends and special stories, although even the inhabitants of the city do not know all their secrets. Did you know that there was a first public park here, are most of the metropolitan spas hereand so me parts of it are also referred to as Chicago? We’ve collected some interesting things about Budapest, so you should read it! 

  • Among the major cities in the world, Budapest has the most thermal spas!

Budapest has been wearing the title “capital of baths” for 80 years since it was chosen as the heir seat of the International Bathing Association in 1937. This special address could not have been won by other settlements, as Budapest is the only major city in the world with 118 medicinal springs and wells. In addition, it is the only capital of the world with 5 historic spa baths still in operation today. With a little exaggeration we could say that in almost every district we can find a spa bath or a beach where we can get out of everyday stress.

  • The world’s first public park was in Budapest!

The history of today’s Városliget dates back many centuries. Originally, this part was a marshy area filled and planted with trees by Mary Theresa’s instructions. At the end of the 18th century the first promenades were formed, which were surprisingly open to anyone. This is the first public park in the world that we know today as Városliget. Today’s form was created as part of the Millennium Ceremony, including the Vajdahunyad Castle, the Art Gallery and the Zoo.

  • Erzsébetváros Like Chicago?

The Chicago nickname came from the outside area of Erzsébetváros between 1896 and 98 when, in the spirit of monarchy development, a separate part of the city between Rottenbiller-Damjanich-Dózsa György streets was built in two years. This incredible pace of construction and the parallel arrangement of the city district reminded the inhabitants of Chicago, the super-city of the age, so they often mentioned the outside areas of Erzsébetváros under that name.

  • Budapest is exciting underground!

Did you know that Budapest is the world’s largest geothermal cave system? You don’t even have to go out of town if you want to go on a cave tour: visiting the caves of the Pál Valley, Mátyás-hegy and Szemlő Mountains is a unique and recommended program for everyone, a few minutes from the city center.

  • Hot water is rushing under the Heroes’ Square.

Who would think there is a well under the Heroes’ Square? Exactly 140 years ago, in 1877, Vilmos Zsigmond, a mining engineer, found here thermal water, and the 74-degree spa water was brought to the surface from over 800 meters deep. In 1884 a beautiful building was built above the well, according to the plans of Miklós Ybl, but unfortunately it was demolished during the millenium construction. Today, just a plain copper plate shows the former location of the well in the square. If you are interested in building a demolished Gloriette well, visit XII. to the Széchenyi Mountain in the district where he was relocated and where he can still be visited as a lookout.
  … and, of course, it is super interesting that you can still book bubble soccer appointment today, if you are here, so if you would breathe a little out of yourself or just want a huge laugh, here we are, BOOK now!